PROJECT PRESENTATIONS (most recent first)
CIVITAS Urban Freight Conference, 23-24 April 2018, Brussels
Conference report, including links to all presentations (PDFs) can be found
Webcasts of presentations and panel debates can be found
here (external vimeo site)
Filmed interviews with selected participants can be viewed
Sharing Economy Logistics: Access Over Ownership, 28 March 2018, Brussels
Introduction to Sharing Economy Logistics (Sara Verlinde, VUB-MOBI)
Increased Vehicle Loading by Utilising Spare Transport Capacity (Lieven Deketele (Procter and Gamble) and Bram Kin (VUB-MOBI))
Crowd Logistics (Jan Merckx (VIL) and Heleen Buldeo Rai (VUB-MOBI))
Shared Warehousing (Alex Van Breedam (Trivizor) and Luc D’Hondt (Delhaize))
How to Optimise Urban Supply Chains (Patrick van Vlaenderen, CityDepot)
City deliveries using micro-hubs and innovative freight bikes, 8 March 2018, Amsterdam
Citylab: City Logistics in Living Laboratories (Jardar Andersen, TOI)
Case Amsterdam (Erik Regterschot, City of Amsterdam)
The journey: floating depot, light electric vehicles (e-bikes), microhubs and public procurement (Laurens Tuinhout, PostNL)
PostNL bike logistics Citylab (Nanette Wielenga, PostNL)
City logistics 010 (Richard van der Wulp, City of Rotterdam and Hans Quak, TNO)
‘Instant deliveries’ by bike: new jobs and new questions for cities (Laetitia Dablanc, IFSTTAR/Université Paris Est)
Future Public Sector Logistics Consolidation, 23 February 2018, London
Slides from all speakers: Duncan Price (Department for Transport), Tom Gadsby/Manuel Martinez/Andrew Traill (Transport Systems Catapult),
Tom Cherrett (University of Southampton), Chris Meayers-Norkett (University Hospital Southampton), Gary Whittle (Meachers Global Logistics)
Citylab Transferability Activities, Pisa, 24 November 2017
Spa Navicelli di Pisa
Workshop on Smart Purchasing in Logistics, Rotterdam, 2 November 2017
Which opportunities do local governments have to support smart purchasing and clean urban logistics? (Jacques Leonardi, University of Westminster)
Innovative Solutions for Urban Freight Transport and Environment in the Circular Economy Era, Rome, 20 October 2017
Citylab: City Logistics in Living Laboratories (Jardar Andersen, TOI)
NOVELOG’s innovative approaches for engaging and supporting industry and city authorities in urban freight strategy development (Andrea Campagna, Sapienza University of Rome)
Living Lab opportunities for developing freight distribution in Rome (Marco Surace, RSM)
CITYLAB Rome implementation: Activities, lessons learned and next steps (Valerio Gatta, Roma University Tre)
Poste Italiane - Horizon 2020 - Citylab (Fabrizio Caradonna, Poste Italiane) (in Italian)
ICT Platform for direct and reverse logistics integration (Roberto Di Giulio, Meware)
The impact of innovative technologies and business practices on last‐mile logistics (Alan McKinnon, Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg)
Microdistribution: the NOVELOG pilot of micro-platforms and cargo-bikes in Barcelona (Xavier Cruzet & Simon Hayes, Barcelona Mobility Services)
Cargo bikes and city logistics (Luca Bedoni, Ponyzero) (in Italian)
Crowdshipping in Turin (Francesco Demichelis, TakeMyThings) (in Italian)
7th METRANS International Urban Freight Transport Conference, Long Beach, USA, 17-20 October 2017
Citylab: successfully transfer innovative urban freight transport solutions to follower cities (Giacomo Lozzi, POLIS)
Planning processes in high-density development projects: how does freight fit in? Case studies from Gothenburg and Paris (Sönke Behrends, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg and Laetitia Dablanc, IFSTTAR)
Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, London, 30 August 2017
Instant Deliveries: New Jobs and New Questions for Cities (Laetitia Dablanc and Neila Saidi, IFSTTAR)
Metrans Seminar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 28 July 2017
Urban freight policy: recent developments in Paris (Laetitia Dablanc, IFSTTAR)
Presentation video
Energy systems for smart mobility, European Sustainable Energy Week, Brussels, 22 June 2017
Growing Consolidation and Electric Vehicle Solutions in Urban Logistics (Jacques Leonardi, University of Westminster)
10th International Conference on City Logistics, Phuket, 14-16 June 2017
Integrating direct and reverse logistics in a living lab context: evaluating stakeholder acceptability and the potential of gamification to foster sustainable urban freight transport (Valerio Gatta, Roma University Tre)
Logistics strategies for shopping centres, Malmö, 7 June 2017
Citylab - City Logistics in Living Laboratories (Jardar Andersen, TOI)
Oslo - The new shopping centre, planning, process and challenges (Pål Samuelsen, Steen & Strøm)
The shopping centre as an integrated part of Økern District, Oslo (Helge Jensen, City of Oslo)
Common logistic functions in Emporia - last mile delivery that really works (Lars Ivarsson, Logistikbolaget AB)
Hyllie (Malmo) and Emporia logistics (Johan Kjellberg, Steen & Ström)
Findings from the Citylab evaluation (Olav Eidhammer and Tale Ørving, TOI)
Consolidation concepts to reduce retail traffic in urban centres (Christoffer Widegren, City of Gothenburg)
Collaborative Innovation Days (3rd logistic cloud), Brussels, 23 May 2017
Citylab (Olav Eidhammer, TOI)
Citylab workshop, London, 12 May 2017
Citylab - City Logistics in Living Laboratories (Jardar Andersen, TOI)
Introduction, Examples and Beneficial Impacts of Growing Consolidation and Electric Vehicle Solutions in Urban Logistics (Jacques Leonardi, University of Westminster)
Urban Logistics policies developments, Consolidation and Efficiency (Steve Steele, Transport for London)
City Logistics (Andy Wilson, TNT)
Proposals to Improve Air Quality (Simon Roberts,Transport for London)
BEE Midtown - Personal Deliveries Service (Dan Evanson, Arup)
Citylab Transfer Cities Budapest (Patrik Toth, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport; Levente Eros, Kantaa)
Madrid Urban Freight Overview (Enrique Garcia Cuedo, Municipality of Madrid; Maria Lopez, SEUR)
Greater Manchester Urban freight plans and measures (Helen Smith, Transport for Greater Manchester; Graham Dixon, ESPRIT Warehousing & Docks)
Association for Student Residential Accommodation, Annual Conference, Brighton, 9-12 April 2017
Right on Time! Surviving the Internet Shopping Revolution (Andi Maratos, Southampton Solent University)
Freight in the City Spring Summit - Improving the last mile, Birmingham, 1 March 2017
International Approach (Laetitia Dablanc, IFSTTAR)
Solent Sustainable Distribution Centre (Gary Whittle, Meachers Global Logistics)
Making freight consolidation centres work - Experiences from Southampton, 27 January 2017
Click image for webcast; links to presentations below

Introduction to Citylab (Tom Cherrett, University of Southampton)
Southampton City Council's rationale for implementing the Southampton Sustainable Distribution Centre (Neil Tuck, Southampton City Council
The role for Delivery and Service Plans in developing a case for consolidation (Gavin Bailey, University of Southampton)
The potential benefits of consolidation options for large municipal organisations - the case of the NHS (Chris Meayers-Norkett, University Hospital Southampton)
The scope for electric delivery as part of a consolidated freight service (Sam Clarke, Gnewt Cargo)
Building the case for freight consolidation - the local authorities view (Sukky Choongh-Campbell, Lambeth Council)
The trials and tribulations of setting up the SSDC - the logistics providers view (Gary Whittle, Meachers Global Logistics)
Smart, Innovative & Sustainable urban mobility, 23 November 2016, Brussels
Urban Freight in Brussels-Capital Region (Christophe de Voghel, Brussels Mobility)
Oslo Innovation Week, Oslo, 19 October 2016
Citylab (Olav Eidhammer, TOI)
Presentations to USA study tour delegation, 27 and 28 September 2016 (London and Brussels)
Citylab (Olav Eidhammer, TOI)
Citylab Brussels (Stefan Bottu, Procter and Gamble)
The world's largest fully electric delivery fleet (Sam Clarke, Gnewt Cargo)
Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Gothenburg, 14/9/2016
New logistics facilities in western Sweden - where they are built, and why there? (Laetitia Dablanc)
Korean-French Seminar, Seoul, Korea, July 2016
Logistics hotels in Paris (Laetitia Dablanc)
Innovative Urban Freight Management Systems in Paris, 26/5/2016
CITYLAB project introduction (Jardar Andersen)
SUCCESS project introduction (David Evaristo)
Sustainable urban logistics in Paris (Herve Levivfe)
CO2 reductions from a range of initiatives (Michael Browne)
Chapelle (Sogaris)
Beaugrenelle (Chronopost) - in French
UK Commercial Boat Operators Association, 21/4/2016
CITYLAB - Floating Depot (Tom Cherrett)
Slovenian Logistics Association conference, 7/4/2016
Southampton Sustainable Distribution Centre (Gary Whittle)
1st Living Lab Advisory Group meeting, 12/10/2015, University of Westminster
Introduction to Citylab
Brussels living lab
London living lab
Oslo living lab
Paris living lab
Rome living lab
Rotterdam living lab
Southampton living lab