Living Labs
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Project News

Consolidation Centres Can Improve Air Quality in Towns and Cities 17/7/18

Project formally ends (30/4/18)

Final conference reported in Newsletter #6 30/4/18

Transferability leaflet 30/4/18

Observatory brochure updated 19/4/18

Living lab handbook 18/4/18

Final conference, 23/24 April, Brussels

Oslo video 5/4/18

Brussels workshop (28/3/18)

Poste Italiane video 27/3/18

Amsterdam workshop (8/3/18)

Future Public Sector Logistics Consolidation 23/2/18

Mobility is a Serious Game! 23/1/18

Newsletter #5 issued 20/12/17

Brussels-Mobility freight video 18/12/17

Brussels-Capital SUMP award 18/12/17

Implementation posters 8/11/17

Citylab event in Rome 20/10/17

METRANS UF Conference presentations 17/10/17

Citylab at the Civitas Forum 27/9/17

Living lab updates 27/9/17

CiTTi conference article 13/10/17

Living lab animation 25/9/17

Instant deliveries presentation 30/8/17

Consolidation and EV presentation 22/6/17

Malmo workshop report

London workshop report

Southampton workshop report

Newsletter #4 issued 31/5/17

Freight observatory findings 17/5/17

Right on time! presentation 9/4/17

Freight in the City presentations 1/3/17

Implementation dashboards now live 28/2/17

European Review of Regional Logistics (including feature on Citylab) 20/12/16

See news history

Available public deliverables to date

D1.1 - Risk management and quality assurance

D1.2 - Data management plan

D2.1 - Observatory of strategic developments impacting urban logistics

D2.3 - Success factors of past initiatives and the role of public-private cooperation

D2.4 - Assessing the EC's target of essentially CO2-free city logistics in urban centres by 2030

D3.1 - Practical guidelines for establishing and running a city logistics living lab

D3.2 - CITYLAB local living lab roadmaps

D3.3 - CITYLAB: Lessons and experiences with living labs

D3.4 - CITYLAB Handbook for City Logistics Living Laboratories

D5.1 - Definition of necessary indicators for evaluation

D5.2 - CITYLAB dashboards

D5.3 - Impact and process assessment of the seven CITYLAB implementations

D5.4 - Sustainability analysis of the CITYLAB solutions

D5.5 - Evaluation of the willingness to pay for the sustainable CITYLAB solutions

D5.6 - Assessment of roll-out potential of CITYLAB solutions to other CITYLAB living labs

D6.1 - Report on living-lab transferability activities

D6.2 - Minutes of local stakeholder meetings

D6.3 - Report on transferability to non-Citylab cities

D6.4 - Tools for achieving CO2-free logistics in cities by 2030

D7.2 - Reporting of project symposia, workshops, meetings and other events

D7.3 - Dissemination to follower cities and regions

D7.4 - Business-targeted dissemination

D7.5 - Project newsletters

D7.6 - Videos, animations and cartoons

D7.8 - Dissemination and exploitation plan (Final version, April 2018)