Living Labs
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Consolidation Centres Can Improve Air Quality in Towns and Cities 17/7/18
Project formally ends (30/4/18)
Final conference reported in Newsletter #6 30/4/18
Transferability leaflet 30/4/18
Observatory brochure updated 19/4/18
Living lab handbook 18/4/18
Final conference, 23/24 April, Brussels
Oslo video 5/4/18
Brussels workshop (28/3/18)
Poste Italiane video 27/3/18
Amsterdam workshop (8/3/18)
Future Public Sector Logistics Consolidation 23/2/18
Mobility is a Serious Game! 23/1/18
Newsletter #5 issued 20/12/17
Brussels-Mobility freight video 18/12/17
Brussels-Capital SUMP award 18/12/17
Implementation posters 8/11/17
Citylab event in Rome 20/10/17
METRANS UF Conference presentations 17/10/17
Citylab at the Civitas Forum 27/9/17
Living lab updates 27/9/17
CiTTi conference article 13/10/17
Living lab animation 25/9/17
Instant deliveries presentation 30/8/17
Consolidation and EV presentation 22/6/17
Malmo workshop report
London workshop report
Southampton workshop report
Newsletter #4 issued 31/5/17
Freight observatory findings 17/5/17
Right on time! presentation 9/4/17
Freight in the City presentations 1/3/17
Implementation dashboards now live 28/2/17
European Review of Regional Logistics (including feature on Citylab) 20/12/16
See news history
Latest news |
Transport Systems Catapult (July 2018) - Consolidation Centres Can Improve Air Quality in Towns and Cities |
Motivation and concept |
Large municipal organisations (e.g. local authorities, hospitals, universities) generate significant numbers of van and lorry trips through their purchasing of goods and services.
The Southampton living lab aims to reduce freight impact by identifying consolidation opportunities and encouraging implementation. Participating organisations may directly derive benefit from more efficient purchasing practices and from reduced time spent handling goods from multiple carriers.
Southampton City Council supported this through the setting up of the Southampton Sustainable Distribution Centre operated by Meachers Global Logistics from their premises at Nursling Industrial Estate, Southampton since February 2014.
The city is motivated by the need to improve air quality standards - Southampton City Council announced (Dec 2016) its Clean Air Strategy with future implications for freight transport.
As a step towards this, Southampton City Council's vehicle fleet was recently reviewed with a view to making more use of electric vehicles and a fleet replacement plan is being developed. |
Sustainable Distribution Centre at Meachers Global Logistics City Council team and new EV |
Implementation status and next steps |
Various public sector institutions were reviewed and interviewed to assess the level of interest and potential benefits.
Extensive data were collected for deliveries to the University of Southampton and Southampton Solent University with results being reported in the following papers:
- Sustainable procurement for greener logistics in the higher education sector (McLeod et al), Logistics Research Network Conference, Derby, UK, 9-11 Sept 2015 Access this document
- Shop and we'll drop - Understanding the impacts of student e-shopping on deliveries to university halls of residence during Black Friday week (McLeod et al), Logistics Research Network Conference, Hull, UK, 7-9 Sept 2016 Access this document
While potential for consolidation was identified for both universities various barriers currently prevent operational changes, including financial constraints and concerns about any delays to urgent deliveries (e.g. where same day delivery required).
In the hospital sector, there appears to be both potential for consolidation and an interest in changing operations from both the Isle of Wight NHS Trust and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust with Citylab partners and stakeholders currently discussing options.
Local workshop "Making freight consolidation centres work - Experiences from Southampton", was held Friday 27 January, 2017
Link to workshop report
Cartoon illustrating the concept |
Cartoon produced by: Matt Sloe
Link to full-size cartoon